450 more bulbs and done with bulbs for phase one!

Received the last shipment of bulbs, all 450 of them, just in time to finish getting them in before the ground freezes. All the bulbs for phase one are now in the ground.

70 Purple Hyacinth, 100 Pink Hyacinth, 150 White Hyacinth, 170 Yellow Tulips, 170 Red Tulips, 90 Yellow Daffodil, 160 White / Yellow Daffodil, and 80 Purple Crocus.

Now we wait for spring and see what it looks like.

Oh and we still have a lot of planting to go before phase 1 is finished, but they will wait until spring.

All the bulbs are covered and the dirt mounds are gone.  A layer of mulch has been put down.


Sometimes you have wait for months after you finish to see the results.


Energy efficiency in the old house