Front Storm Door Rehab

I have been debating how to rehab the front storm door.  Scrubbed the what I think is copper screen guards but I will need to take them down and give them a better cleaning later when I replace the screen. While scrubbing the inside of the trim for the screen door found some metal plate at the bottom of each door  reading "E.T Burrowes Co Portland MI Pat. Jun 9 1903".


Also used a detail brush on all the front door knobs and door bell. 

Ending up using an antique restorer on the storm doors exterior wood.  They had become very faded and I was trying to avoid sanding, staining and varnish on them for now.  It looks great we will see how long it lasts.  They are now the same darkness as the actual doors they protect!  Also polished off the years of gunk from the door knob.


Start Cleaning the Carriage House

