The basement is full height with its original finished lath, plaster ceiling, and concrete floor.. The elevator shaft is at the bottom of the stairs.

A large laundry room still contains 2 of the original 3 large porcelain sinks to do the laundry. Also in this room is the original large kitchen sink, which is connected and functioning.

Off the laundry room is the drying room which also still contains the original toilet stall.

Those 2 rooms also have connections to a large middle room.

This large room contains the original large boilers which were used to heat the house.

The original plans show the center room as one large room. Its unclear if it was modified either at the time of construction or soon after to be 2 rooms.

Original gas walls sconce in the center room of the basement.

The final room leading back to the side stairs was also divided into 2 rooms. Now a workshop and a laundry room.